Cardiosteroil Garlic & Co Q10 Liquid Capsules


QUANTITY 40 Liquid Capsules

EAN 8059307850391


Cardiosteroil Garlic & CoEnzyme Q10 offers the combined action of two ingredients that are among the most beneficial to your heart.

The medical use of Garlic (Allium Sativum) goes way back in history: there is evidence of its importance in the Egyptian Pyramids and even Biblical references to its use. The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates prescribed it to treat many conditions and Greek athletes used it to improve their performance. Today, its numerous benefits are well-known: it prevents heart disease (including atherosclerosis), lowers high cholesterol, reduces high blood pressure. Numerous studies have demonstrated the cardiovascular benefits of garlic: garlic supplementation can decrease the accumulation of cholesterol on vascular walls, reduce aortic plaque buildup; it can also inhibit vascular calcification in patients with high blood cholesterol.

The vasodilative properties of garlic are probably due to its allicin content and the catabolism of garlic-derived polysulfides to hydrogen sulfide in red blood cells, a reaction that is dependent on reduced thiols in or on the red blood cell membrane. Hydrogen sulfide is an endogenous cardioprotective vascular cell-signaling molecule. Garlic reduces the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which is one of the most important factors in the acceleration of atherosclerosis. 

As an addition to most cooking recipes, garlic may help lower the plaque level in your arteries and reduce blood pressure. Garlic may also reduce the enzymes which can constrict your blood vessels. If consumed in liquid capsule form, studies also show that liquid garlic can reduce the plaque build-up in arteries by up to 50%.

CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has an energizing effect on the heart. CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone (its name shares the same root as the word “ubiquitous” and in fact, CoQ10 really is present in every cell of the body!), is an essential component of the electron transport chain, as it is responsible for accepting and transferring electrons in the mitochondria. Cardiac muscle cells contain twice the amount of CoEnzyme Q10 than any other cell in our body; they also need more of it since they have higher energy requirements and oxygen consumption. It has been found that the break down the synthesis of CoQ10, consequently reducing mitochondrial energy production, can result in muscle pain (myalgia). The consumption of CoQ10 supplements is therefore highly recommended.


The unique formula of Cardiosteroil Garlic & CoEnzyme Q10 is microencapsulated for better protection and presented in liquid capsules for faster absorption and higher bioavailability.


Provides a supply of energy for the heart
Garlic oil macerate
Protection for the heart


Recommended for patients who have borderline cholesterol levels, patients who can be prone to a rise in cholesterol, patients with unhealthy diets, eating high-fat foods, or simply to maintain a healthy heart.



  • Unlike when presented in tablet pills, CoQ10 in liquid form is not processed: not many excipients are necessary and therefore it remains more active, the mixing process requires less time and there is no compression stage.
  • CoEnzyme Q10 supplements are among the top-selling food supplements, second only to Omega fish oils. The fact that it is presented in liquid form is a major competitive advantage, as research demonstrates that there is a 32% increase in CoQ10 bioavailability in Cardiosteroil Liquid Capsules in comparison with other softgel formulations.
  • Consumption of Cardiosteroil Garlic & CoEnzyme Q10 may result in a reduction of up to 17 mm in systolic and 10 mm in diastolic. 26% reduction in isolated systolic hypertension. Best results can be expected after about 12 weeks of treatment.
  • This product combines two ingredients that are essential to a healthy heart in one liquid capsule: garlic helps to protect the heart and CoQ10 helps to energize it.
  • Made in France.




1 to 2 capsules a day or as directed by your healthcare professional.


Note to customers about CoQ10 formulation: Crystallization may occur when capsules are exposed to temperature variation, particularly to low temperatures. This phenomenon is reversible and CoQ10 crystals will dissolve again when the product is exposed to a warmer temperature (above room temperature). Please be informed that this phenomenon does not affect in any way the stability of CoQ10, as was confirmed by HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) assay on the level of CoQ10 in our capsules.

Note to distributor: An opaque capsule can also be chosen to mask this natural phenomenon.


recycle  View Packaging disposal instructions
GELATIN 82.1 mg 14 g
WATER 13.9 mg 2.3 g
CO. Q10 10.3 mg 1.7 g



ENERGETIC VALUE 4.9 kcal / 20.3 kJ 812 Kcal / 3345 kJ
PROTEINS 80 mg 13.5 g
CARBOHYDRATES 510 mg 13.5 g
FATS 510 mg  13.5 g


Please be aware that ingredient lists may change or vary from time to time. Please refer to the ingredient list on the product package you receive for the most up to date list of ingredients.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Chris Rogers
Essential Oil

Been using for quite a while now. Cholesterol and Joints in check

Chiara S.

Avevo il colesterolo che goni tanto si alzava parecchio, con cardiosteroil con coq10 e aglio sono riuscita a stabilizzarlo e mi sento molto meglio anche fisicamente.
Integratore effiacce e non sgradevole.

Antonio F.

Utilizzo questo integratore da diversi mesi e la mia situazione è migliorata. Trovo ottima la combinazione del q10 con l'estratto di aglio.


I bought these vitamins for my grandmother and she is very happy,she says that she felt much better and 30 years younger

Combination of garlic&coq10

The results are much more than expected... Garlic energizes the heart and reduces the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and Coq10 can help in case of myalgia. I find this combination totally helpful!

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